Donnerstag, 12. Februar 2015

The Winner of Hearts

Have you had failed partnerships  one after the other, or have you  been running after or waiting for Mr Right all weekend, only to find out he was not there ! Could it be  that you've not been searching where you should or you are looking in the wrong direction?Now here's some great amazing news for you, you've got the best chances of getting to know him,  so here we go! Why not start living your own life! This might sound old fashion and odd or even silly to many but most singles do not live their own lives, they live a life that's been imposed upon them by society, family or friends :here's my advice to you.
The best you can do for yourself   to be more attractive and sucessfull  is to LEAD AN INTERESTING and FULFILLING LIFE. A life that suits you, so start enjoying yourself , go partying if that's what you want, take a trip for a weekend  to London  and go shopping,visit the most interesting museums in the next city, do something crazy that you've always wanted to do but have had too many fears ,  why not book that wellness weekend with a BBF and if it's yours  go hiking and have much fun. Then only manipulative or insecure people wants to have someone on their side with little or absolutly no hobbies! Never drop your hobbies after finding someone,nor should you neglect your  single BBF, make you own life an integral part of your relationship with that newly met person, you'll find yourself much happier  and more indipendent whilst at it, which will navigate or steer your dating decision and help you find out if your new date is compatable with you.
Don't be needy or clingy ! Neediness repels most romantic partners and the ones it attracts tends to be inbalanced and uncertain in a complimentary way.(the person might  turn out to be a controlling freek).It's almost impossible to find the compatibile partner if your are PERCHING on the wrong tree or branch! Then you'll never find the songbird nightingale building her nest in a woodpeckerhole? These two birds are completely different, hence they build their nest to their own advantages . So you'll have to start going or visiting places where you would want to if you did have your dream man. Simply said , ask yourself where would I want to be on a friday night with my new boy-friend !  Then visit these places . Do not go to places where you feel uncomfortable, or where you do not fit in even if it's the best restaurant or club in town, it simply won't work and if only for a short time. Make a mental list of what you're looking for in a man but don't get carried away , then if you do you might be  risking not having the chance of meeting some precious gems. If your list is neverending you need to do some soul searching; then ask yourself  the most important question where can I find such a man.
Staying at home mourning your loneliness will never bring  your dream man in your life,then he's not aware of where you are nor if you  even exist! You can  only be sucessfull at home if  you take things in you hands, if you've decided to try ONLINE DATING ! This can and may  be a great alternative, don't be misled that there are only strange men hanging on line then I have found my husband on a DATING PORTAL, and that's since nine years and we've been happily married for almost seven years.  A friend of mine has also met her husband on a dating line, so why not give it a try,there's nothing to loose. No risk no fun . A second list is needed,  to remind you where you could find Mr Right,  finally visit  these places and be sure you'll meet him,and do not forget tocontinue to live  that happy life of yours,then  soon  you'll be meeting more men than you've ever expected.
Let bygones be bygones !There's nothing worst in  this world than carrying unwanted, unusefull heavy baggage! You should never be that mean to yourself, it will not change your situation,so stop pulling yourself down. It's not worth it! There's no use of thinking what could have been, then if it were meant to be ,you would still be with him. Do not allow your negative past to influence your future,the man  you're dating and who's crazy about you in this moment should be the only  one you're thinking of , don't try to  use your new relationship as a therapycenter, it won't work! If you have problems with past relationships and can't get over the hurt please seek professional help. Your new date is the wrong person to heal  you. Stop mourning a lost that never value you. Start being  you  and give great value to yourself, you're more than special, do not forget this.
Your exterior should be reflection of your interior.Your garments should show the world who you are and not what the world wants to see. Your attire should be a compliment on your person . You should neither dress to get attention nor to avoid attention. A woman who is overly sexy dressed attracts negative attention similarly to a woman overly conservatively dressed. Men are all a little different, but if you wish to attract a gentleman you should dress like a lady. Be  confident expressing who you are instead of seeking personal approval or validation through your clothing.
It's easy to attract a man with beauty, sexuality and even with intelligence, but what's more vital and important is to attract him emotional: let him feel drawn to you, give him the feeling that he can lay his  heart and his life in your hands, give him the security he needs, that feeling of being at home, if you can move a man  emotionally then be sure  you have reached  and touched his soul.
Try developing a healthy respectfull relationship, if you'd like to be treated with respect, then you must treat you man with respect, there are no garantees that there won't be heavy discussions and a bit of fighting , this is quiet normal in a relationship but you should never condemn, belittle or insult your partner when expressing your anger. Don't surpress your true feeling they need to be voiced, if you're upset tell him why, if dissappointed give him an explanation, he cannot read your mind, be strong woman, learn to controll yourself but to voice your opinion and concerns in a fair manner, try not to be judgemental and avoid controlling your partner, neither is he a child or a pet.Give yourselves enough time to know each other.
If you're looking for a relationship and your date only wants to have casual sex, then you should draw the line. Don't over run the boundries, when he has stated what he needs. Don't give him the feeling you're lost without him: If it's not going in the direction that it should, make a U turn or exist the train at the next station. Do not overshare, your new date need not to be told every detail in your life's story, somethings  are not for a man's ear. Start being interesting and not being an open book!
Nothing beats a good prepared menu and a carefully selected wine that compliments that meal ! Experts says it makes the meal round. The same can be said about couples who are compatibile . Do you have similar values, background or goals? Does he has goals in life? How does he plans to accomplish them? Simple but important questions. Don't over look large discrepancies in interest, they could pose great instability for a longlasting relationship on a longterm basis.Receachers have found out that couples with similar education  and views from life are likely to be sucessfull in their relationship compared to couples who have less in common.
Finally,  couples who end up being sucessfull in love and marriage weren't fools who rushed in, these couples gave themselves  time and had learnt to enjoy every moment they had during the beginnining of their relationship , they just let it flow.They had fun  in their lives and fulfilled their dreams, they had no worries about commitments then they were simply in love and enjoyed themselves.If you've met that man of your dreams, your heart will tell you, he's the one, then our intellect tell us what has to be done but our hearts tells us what must be done. It's your's  have fun whilst dating and  don't forget to live your life as you please.Hope you'll have  fun  whilst dating, take time and enjoy the flow. Thanks for reading.

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